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Silvia Misiti

Director of IBSA Foundation, MD and researcher.


Full biography

  • Silvia Misiti, MD PhD, started her career in 2001 as Assistant Professor in Endocrinology at Sapienza University of Rome.
  • In 2012 she moved to Lugano, where she directs the IBSA Foundation for scientific research, a non-profit organization created by the pharmaceutical company IBSA Institut Biochimique SA.
  • Her mission is to combine the passion for scientific research with the promotion of multiple activities always focused on innovation, education and dissemination, through close contacts with the cultural and academic institutions, to keep a wide look on what research offers us today to overcome the frontier of knowledge.
  • She currently is, also, Head of Corporate Communication at IBSA Group.
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"Blend cultures, “contaminate” Science and Art and sustain avant-garde research so that society progresses and there are new prospects for the future. The IBSA Foundation has addressed this difficult yet fascinating path in its first 10 years. We’ll try to continue in the same way, with our initiatives that involve leading partners, flanking students in middle schools and universities, citizens who are attracted by mental challenge, young people who work and study in Life Sciences.
We’ll go forward with the same enthusiasm as always."
Silvia MisitiDirector of IBSA Foundation, MD and researcher